Thursday, October 1, 2015

Common Pet Toxins

There are many different foods and plants that are toxic to animals  that everyone should be aware of.  Some of the most common include:  Chocolate, grapes/raisins, lilies (cats), xylitol, OTC pain medications like Tylenol and Aleve, onions/garlic.

Chocolate ingestion is probably the most common toxin ingestion we see.  Chocolate can cause vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, tachycardia (fast heart rate), and at higher doses can cause heart arrhythmias and seizures.  If you have discovered your  pet has ingested chocolate you should call your veterinarian to find out if it is a toxic dose.  The toxicity level rises with the amount of cocoa present so it does not take very much baker’s chocolate to cause serious issues.

Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure.  There is not a lot known about this toxicity as some pets do not have to ingest very many before they develop symptoms and others can ingest large amounts with no issues.  In general it does not take as many raisins to cause a toxicity.  The protocol for treatment includes inducing vomiting, activated charcoal and IV fluids for 48 hours.

Lilies also cause kidney failure in cats.  Most types of lilies are toxic including:  Tiger, Easter, Day, and Stargazer. All parts of the plant are toxic, including the water in the vase of the lily.  If you own cats it is best to not have any lilies in the house.  If your cat may have ingested or chewed on any part of a lily it should be seen by a veterinarian right away.  Bloodwork monitoring will need to be done and your kitty will need to be hospitalized on IV fluids.  If this toxicity is not treated right away it is often deadly.  The most common symptoms are drinking a lot, urinating a lot, and vomiting.

Xylitol is an interesting toxicity that can cause hypoglycemia and at higher doses can cause liver failure.  Xylitol is most commonly found in sugarless chewing gum, but has become more common in baked goods lately.  Every type of gum has a different amount of xylitol present so the best plan is to call Animal Poison Control and they can determine what level of xylitol they have ingested.  Hypoglycemia can last 18-24 hours and will need to be monitored in the hospital and treated as necessary.  If they have ingested enough to cause liver damage they will need to be hospitalized for 2-3 days for IV fluids and other medications to help with liver function.

Over the counter medications like Tylenol, Aleve, and Ibuprofen are not tolerated well in animals and can cause life threatening toxicities like kidney failure, GI ulceration and perforation, and liver failure.  You should not give your pets human medications unless directed to do so by a veterinarian and if your pet ingests a medication it is best to call animal poison control or your veterinarian at Idaho Veterinary Hospital (208) 466-4614 

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