Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Lovebird Update

A Lovebird Update!


Our lovebird is now about 2 weeks old!  There have been many exciting changes over the last several days.  He has doubled in weight, from 23 grams to 47grams.  His (or her!) eyes are open, his feet have developed coloration, he has  begun to make tiny noises, and he is able to sit up on his haunches for short periods of time.  Although his feathers are not visible yet, we are able to see the feather follicles developing under his nearly opaque skin, turning it a darker color.  His appetite has greatly improved, and he has no problem letting us know when it's feeding time. 

With out any feathers, we are unsure what type of lovebird it is.  There are 9 species of lovebirds, mostly originating from Africa.  Of all of these, only 3 are commonly kept as companions; The Peach-faced lovebird, The Fischer’s Lovebird, and the Masked Lovebird.  We're excited for his feathers to start appearing, so we can find out!


  1. Oh my this sounds fantastic! Happy to hear that he is doing well.

  2. You guys are miracle workers! Keep up the good work!

    I am loving my new job, but I sure do miss Atutmn!

