Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Heartworm Season & Parasite Protection for your pets

Heartworm is a nasty parasite transmitted by mosquitoes. Luckily, we live in an environment that allows us freedom from such pest during our cold winters, However, in those warm spring and summer months we need to understand, as pet owners, that Heartworm is a genuine threat to our friend's health. Heartworm disease is easily (and nearly 100% preventable), but not easily treated.

Heartworm Larvae live in the bloodstream and mosquitoes acquire them from affected dogs/casts while taking a "blood meal". They can then transmit them to unaffected dogs/cats when getting a blood meal from the new canine. Heartworm preventives can kill any Heartworm within the first four stages of its life. This is why Heartworm preventive is recommended every 30 days. Once Heartworm gets to the fifth stage it is much more difficult to eradicate.

Idaho Veterinary Hospital offers two different methods of heartworm preventive:

Heartgard: a chew which treats Heartworm, roundworm, and hookworm.
Revolution: a topical treatment that protects from Heartworm, ticks, and fleas.

We do stock some Heartworm preventive in the hospital, but it gets very hard to keep up with the demand in the Spring. However, our online store is another convenient option. If you're not yet signed up for our ProxyRX site, please give our lovely receptionist a call and they can assist you with registration.

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